Looking for some quick HPV statistics? Alright, let’s cut to the chase. We’ll lay out some of the most important details regarding human papilloma virus in an easy to read Q&A format.
How likely am I to catch HPV?
You are probably going to contract HPV and spread it on to someone else at some point in your life. It’s estimated that over 90% of people contract HPV at some point or another. The good news is that this is no big deal. Most strains of HPV do not lead to any further complications like cancer and so on, and many don’t even show themselves in the form of hand warts or anything.
What are all the strains of HPV?
Too many to list here! However, there are about 250 or so strains of HPV. Most of them are pretty harmless or benign. The most dangerous forms of HPV tend to be somewhat rare, although fifteen types can lead to cancer and other complications, these include; 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, and 73. Unfortunately, these types do not actually show themselves in the form of obvious warts, and this puts more responsibility on the individual to have regular checkups, especially for women. Between three thousand and four thousand women die of cervical cancer every year, with HPV being responsible for around 70% or more of all cervical cancer cases.
How can I reduce the risk of catching genital HPV strains?
Obviously, having multiple sexual partners is a major risk factor, as is having unprotected sex when you and your partner have not been tested. This is all just common sense. Estimates would have it that some twenty million people are infected with genital warts right now, not counting the various genital HPV strains that do not show themselves in the form of warts.
Some good news: There is a vaccine that will protect against high-risk HPV strains. The vaccine has not gotten the attention it deserves, so tell everybody who you think might need to know. The HPV vaccine can save lives, and the earlier it is administered, the better. However, the vaccine only protects against the HPV types classified as high-risk, and you will still need to have a regular pap smear conducted for other forms of HPV that can affect the cervix.
How can I reduce the risk of catching other forms of HPV?
With common warts, plantar warts, etcetera, it really just comes down to basic hygiene. The old wife’s tale of catching warts from frogs is total bologna, but it’s entirely possible to catch HPV from doorknobs, public showers, even countertops. The HPV cells are coated in a hard protein shell which allows them to sit on non-porous surfaces and survive for a sustained period of time. The only way to reduce your risk of catching these HPV strains is to simply wash your hands regularly, keep your home and place of work sanitary, and if you use public showers at a gym, wear those plastic shower sandals. Yeah they look and feel kind of icky, but they might save you the discomfort of walking around with plantar warts on your heels.
Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_813066_17.html