HPV accounts for one of the major sexually transmitted diseases in the United States causing many complex problems. It needs to be noted that there are around 100 types of HPV and not all of them are harmful. Read more about Jacksonville STD testing clinics
HPV, sometimes referred to as genital warts, can cause warts to grow in the vagina, rectum, vulva, or groin. When visible, these warts are usually painless, fleshy swellings, white to gray in color, but they may be pink or purple. HPV causes the epithelial cells, that’s the ones making new skin, to grow at a much faster rate than usual. This growth erupts out into the visible, outer skin as a roughly circular or cylindrical lump. HPV infections are of different types and are over hundred in numbers, but around 35-40 of these have the potential to infect the genital area. And these genital wart causing viruses are categorized into two parts according to their intensity - less risky or more risky.
Skin-to skin-contact, such as during sex, between a sterile person and one who has genital warts HPV is the primary reason for the spread of the human papilloma virus. Skin warts or papillomas can be transmitted between individuals by a filterable infectious agent.
Cervical cancer is a possible complication of HPV infection. Cervical cancer used to be an old woman's disease but today it is showing up in younger women. In the 1960's, 9 percent of cervical cancers were found in women under 35 years old. Cervical cancer develops slowly over decades. If you have genital warts, you are also likely to have been infected with a cancer-causing strain of the virus.
There are greater than 100 different types of HPV, but only a few can cause genital warts. Types 45, 31, 18, and 16 all together are related to 80 percent of the cases of cervical cancer. Types 6 and 11 are low risk HPV types, associated with 80 percent of genital warts.
Sexual partners of people who have genital warts may benefit from examination to assess the presence of genital warts. They may also benefit from counselling about the implications of having a partner who has genital warts. Sexual contact should be avoided while the cream is on the skin. If you decide to have sexual relations, apply Aldara cream after—not before—sexual activity. Sexual relationship with a secure single partner minimiz”es the risk considerably. It is also advisable to use latex condoms while engaging in sexual affair.
Doctors often recommend medicine applied to warts (topical drug treatment) as the first choice of treatment. A doctor will apply the medicines that have a high risk of causing damage to the skin around the warts. Doctors define cold sores and its causes as the following: "The virus lies latent (dormant) in the body and is reawakened (reactivated) by factors such as stress, sunburn, or fever from a wide range of infectious diseases including colds. Recurrences are less common after age 35.
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