Besides minor pain when walking, planters warts are not among health threatening infections, they can be cured effectively and the fastest way to get rid of them is to consult your doctor. Planters warts is a term used for describing warts on your feet. Normally plantar warts are found on the lower part of your foot, the so called "plantar" part. HPV, human version of papilloma virus, is responsible for planters warts and generally it is caught by walking barefoot in places regularly visited by crowds of people. The infection happens when this virus enters the body through any crack in the foot. Some of the statistics show that about ten percent of the teenagers in the West get infected with this virus by simply walking barefoot in public showers and the like places.
How To Diagnose The Plantar Warts
Pinpointing planters warts infection in its first stages is very though owing to the fact that they look exactly the same as the normal skin callus. Once infected, the HPV thrives in the conducive environment provided by sweaty feet encased in shoes the whole day. These warts grow on the skin and sometimes even inside the skin; they are painful to touch and they multiple steadily. Sometimes, on walking you would feel like you are having a stone in your shoe. Besides the pain, the color of the affected area can tell you if you have warts (fleshy color) or just a pale yellowish dead skin tissue.
How To Remove Warts
There is nothing strange when plantars warts, event without any treatment, simply disappear after a while. Statistics show that in 50% of cases, you will have to take one or the other measure to actively fight those warts. Wart treatment remedies are easy to buy and there are even some effective home treatment methods that could help.
No matter what advice you get from your friends and well wishers, you should visit a doctor and have it treated medically. Regardless which treatment you prefer, you have to prep your immune system to fight against the virus-otherwise it will remain in your body.
The medicine prescribed would often involve salicylic acid applications, patches or other chemical treatments as per the doctor's advice. Following doctors's advice will in 80% of cases cure you from warts within maximum of two weeks. Sometimes however, the warts refuse to go away. Freezing is another commonly used method with warts that do not response to the first treatment prescribed by your physician.
Curing stubborn warts can be done with prolonged usage of standard patches and anti-wart ointments. Any wart treatment should show some kind of results regardless to the time you apply it. Most effective wart remedies are those which are agreed upon with your doctor.
Following "on the street" advice on wart remedies can lead to many unpleasant complications, like permanent scars, deep skin infections and other.
Melanie Hudson - About the Author:
Pay attention to Foot warts expert advice website-a popular place for more plantar warts content.