Friday, April 30, 2010

Genital Warts Can Be Transmitted by Hands Also

Genital Warts are the most common sexually transmitted infection. It is caused by a virus called the Human Papilloma Virus also called HPV. The virus is highly contagious and can be transmitted by sexual contact. Due to its nature, the virus can also be transmitted by unclean hands. This makes you very vulnerable to the infection if you have sexual contact with people in the high risk category.

You have a higher risk of contracting genital warts , if you have sexual relations with a person's whose sexual history you don't know. The risk is also higher if you do not know whether the person has had a sexually transmitted disease or if your partner is also unaware of the same. Another risk factor is having multiple sexual partners. Becoming sexually active at a younger age also increases the risk of contracting genital warts significantly.

Genital warts may not even have symptoms. After sexual contact with an infected person, the condition takes around 3 months to start showing symptoms. The infection may remain dormant for a long time, flaring up only during conditions like pregnancy. You must get yourself tested if you have any of the risk factors mentioned above or if your sexual partner has been diagnosed with the infection.

Symptoms of genital warts usually include warts in the genital area. These may be fleshy masses or grey colored bumps. if transmission occurs by hands the warts may be present in the areas surrounding the genitals as well. they may also be present on the mouth and in the throat. The warts are usually seen on the tip and shaft of the penis in males. They might extend to the scrotum and the anus also. In females, the warts are seen on the external genitalia, in the vagina and the area between the vulva and anus.

The warts are usually accompanied by itching and irritation of the moist genital skin. They may also bleed during sexual intercourse due to erosion of the wart tissue. If you are pregnant , you must get checked for genital warts as this may have an adverse effect on your baby. The warts can be treated but not completely cured. this is because the virus which causes the warts infects the upper layers of the genital skin and it is hard to eliminate the virus from there.

The treatment for genital warts must be done under the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner only. Do not attempt to use over the counter medication which can lead to more irritation of the sensitive genital areas. You can use locally active creams for this purpose. the creams have to be applied to the warts and will make the warts slough off leaving healing skin in its place. The use of such creams needs some precautions and you must consult your health care provider for the treatment that is best for you.

In case you are pregnant, or have large, stubborn warts which do not respond to treatment, you might be advised to go in for surgery. there are many surgical options for genital warts. These include cryotherapy, surgical excision and laser surgery.

Karl Dorads - About the Author:
Karl Dorads - Sexually Transmitted Diseases Established Expert Specialist . I also have been building a variety of websites for the last 7 years. Depth knowledge of medicine. Also, we have a doctor in our staff who helps me to write the articles. For more information about Genital Warts Treatments visit Treatments

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Genital Warts Medicine- Solutions For Genital Warts

If you are in need of genital warts medication then you're sufficiently unlucky to have the HPV pathogen, but don't despair, even though it's not curable there a number of treatments for genital warts that will help to alleviate the symptoms. In some cases genital warts go away all alone in about 10%-20% of cases over the course of 3 to four months. If you don't happen to be one of these then here are a few medications that you can be treated with, both by your GP and on your own.

These are the options, all of which need a presciption-
-Podofilox ( Condylox ) - Can be topically applied at home and it may also be useful for prevention. Podofilox is employed for about a month and it works by destroying the wart tissue. Generally 45% to 90% of warts are cleared, but in many cases the warts will return.

-Imiquimod- This increases the immune system so helping it to ward off the virus. This clears warts in 70% to 85% of patients, but in 5% to 20% of cases they come back. Also skin irritation is a standard side-effect of this cream.

Additionally, a doctor can offer other kinds of wart-removal treatments.
There are a number of other harsher treatments a doctor can recommend including-

-Cryotherapy- Which freezes the warts off with liquid nitrogen. It has a high reply rate with few side-effects.

-Laser treatment- This is used for significant cases of determined genital warts. Although it is effective it's also expensive, requires healing time and could cause scar tissue.

-Electrodesiccation : This uses an electrical current to burn the warts off and can be completed in a doctors office with a local anasthetic.

A Homeopathic Remedy
You might also want to consider a homeopathic solution which is a ton less harsh than the chemicals found in many medications. It fundamentally uses natural herbs and minerals to excite your body's immunological response to fight the virus off. Again while there's no cure thiis is one of the few natural treatments

for genital warts and will be a more gentle and similarly effective method as some of the genital warts medicine available.

Don't Forget that even if you don't have warts that you're still contagious and so must always practice safe sex.

Palmer Owyoung - About the Author:
Want To end The Pain and Embarrassment of Genital Warts?
FREE Yourself From Genital Warts Get an All Natural Treatment
Get Genital Warts Pictures and a FREE guide to living with genital warts

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Genital Warts Medication- Remedies For Genital Warts

If you are in need of genital warts medication then you're sufficiently unlucky to have the HPV pathogen, but don't despair, while it's not curable there a number of treatments for genital warts that can help to alleviate the symptoms. In a few cases genital warts go away on their own in about 10%-20% of cases over the course of three to 4 months. If you do not happen to be one of these then here are some medications that you can be treated with, both by your doctor and on your own.

Here are the options, all of which need a presciption-
-Podofilox ( Condylox ) - Can be topically applied at home and it can also be helpful for prevention. Podofilox is employed for about 4 weeks and it works by destroying the wart tissue. Generally 45% to 90% of warts are cleared, but in numerous cases the warts will return.

-Imiquimod- This boosts the immune system and helps it to ward off the virus. This clears warts in seventy percent to 85% of patients, but in 5% to 20% of cases they come back. In addition skin irritation is a normal side-effect of this cream.

I addition, a doctor can offer other sorts of wart-removal treatments.
There are a number of other tougher treatments a doctor can advocate including-

-Cryotherapy- This freezes the warts off with liquid nitrogen. This has a high response rate with few side-effects.

-Laser treatment- This is employed for significant cases of determined genital warts. Even though it is effective it is also expensive, needs healing time and can cause scarring .

-Electrodesiccation : This uses an electric current to remove the warts off and can be done in a doctors office with a local anasthetic.

A Homeopathic Remedy
You might also want to consider a homeopathic solution which is a lot less harsh than the chemicals found in many medicines. It fundamentally uses natural herbs and minerals to stimulate your body's immunological response to fight the virus off. Again while there isn't any cure thiis is one of the few natural treatments for genital warts and may be a more gentle and similarly effective method as some of the genital warts medicine available.

Don't Forget that even if you do not have warts that you're still transmittable and so must always practice safe sex.

Palmer Owyoung - About the Author:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Truth About Green Tea

After water, tea is the most frequently consumed beverage in the world.  The average American drinks 155 cups of tea annually.  Extracts from green tea are also contained in a variety of supplements that are touted for health and vitality.  Is green tea really good for you?

Green tea contains a variety of individual substances including caffeine, theanine, theaflavins, theobromine, theophylline, and phenolic acids.  Phenols in green tea are potent antioxidants that many researchers believe has properties that are beneficial against cancer, bacteria, and elevated cholesterol.

Indications for products based on green tea are expanding.  For example, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have approved a topical ointment called Veregen for the treatment of genital warts caused by human papilloma virus (HPV).  The active ingredient in Veregen is extracted from green tea.  The results of studies regarding the use of green tea for prevention and treatment of various cancers are mixed.  Similar mixed conclusions have come from studies assessing the potential benefit of green tea for weight reduction and reducing risk for developing cardiovascular disease.

Many ophthalmologists recommend that green tea be used in a diet high in antioxidants to reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration.  Again, the benefit of green tea to prevent or treat eye disease is inconclusive.  Part of the reason for the ambiguity is because the amount of green tea needed to make a difference may be over five cups per day.

Green tea has potential side effects like most oral agents used for medicinal purposes.  There are rare instances of liver toxicity and clotting inhibition from green tea.  However, green tea in moderate amounts appears to be a low-risk, inexpensive, and potentially useful substance for treating a variety of conditions.

Michael Reynard, M.D. - About the Author:
Michael Reynard, M.D. is an Associate Clinical Professor at UCLA. He recommends for online appointment scheduling.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Genital Wart Treatment

Genital warts are small warts that develop around the anus, vagina, penis and groin area after contact with the HPV virus that causes the warts. This is a sexually transmitted disease or STD that is transmitted strictly through sexual contact. There is no cure for genital warts, but many treatments are available.

No Treatment

It is thought that up to 30% of genital warts will actually go away on their own without treatment. This could be the case for a patient if there is no discomfort, and then treatment is not needed. If itching, burning or pain is causing any discomfort, treatment may be sought.

Imiquimod or Aldara

Aldara is a cream that boosts the immune system’s capabilities of fighting the genital warts. While applying this cream twice a day for 3 days and then no cream for 4 days, you should avoid any sexual contact. This can weaken the protection that condoms and diaphragms offer, and will irritate a partner’s skin if contact is made.

Podophyllin or Podofilox

Both of these medications are also known as condylox, and they are plant based resins that actually kill the genital wart tissues. These medications are applied by a physician in office, and have recommendations of no sexual contact while using. These creams are to be air dried on the skin of the warts, but should not be used on surrounding skin. This is to be applied only on the warts as it can have serious side effects if placed on unaffected skin. This should not be used during pregnancy, as side effects to the fetus have been noted.

Tricholoracetic Acid or TCA

TCA is a chemical treatment that is used to burn off the genital warts, and is always applied in office by a doctor. It may take a few treatments over a monthly period to completely remove all warts with this method.


Cryotherapy is a type of surgery that uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the blisters to form around the warts. The skin then heals and sloughs off the lesions, therefore killing off the warts and allowing new skin to emerge. This can take many treatments to completely rid the skin of current warts

Electrocautery and Surgical Excision

Electrocautery involves using an electric current to burn off the warts, while surgical excision actually uses specific tools to cut the warts off. This procedure requires local anesthesia for pain dulling effects, and is normally complete after one treatment for all active warts on the skin at the time of the procedure.

Laser Treatments

Lasers or intense beams of light are used to burn off and cut off warts, but is very expensive and time consuming. This is normally only used for very hard to treat warts, and therefore is not used often.

Although many treatments exist for genital warts, more than one can be used at a time for specific cases. Medications for other genital STDs can be used in conjunction with these treatments if your physician sees an improvement.

Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Waldon Bioresearch - About the Author:
Genital Warts and Genital Herpes Treatment. New Breakthrough Treatments for genital warts, genital herpes and HPV from Waldon Bioresearch. For details visit

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Genital Warts - 7 Established Facts About Genital Warts

Here are seven established facts about genital warts

1. Genital warts are highly contagious.

Genital warts spread easily from one person to another through sexual intercourse. Human papillomavirus (HPV), the virus responsible for genital warts, is able to penetrate one's skin and mucosal surfaces through the tiny abrasions in the genital area that develop during sexual intercourse.

2. Genital warts are incurable.

Once you catch HPV, you can never eliminate it from your body. You can treat it and remove the genital warts, but it remains dormant in your system. Thus, genital warts can show up again.

3. Genital warts may resurface.

HPV can lie dormant in your body. It can resurface when triggered by risk factors like smoking, stress, excessive consumption of alcohol, immune system deficiencies, and lifestyle changes, among others. In fact, a lot of people are not aware that they have HPV in their system. Many men do have genital warts on their penis and remain unaware of their presence since they may be very tiny and hidden. A lot of women also have genital warts but remain oblivious because they occur internally in many cases. Only 10 percent of genital warts are noticeable.

4. Genital warts can be treated and get rid of.

There are different therapy options for genital warts removal depending on their size and location. If you consult your doctor, he or she may advise you to apply a topical medication or undergo electrocautery (burning), cryosurgery (freezing), or laser treatment. Some people also attest to the efficacy of herbal preparation in getting rid of genital warts.

5. Genital warts cannot spread from your genitals to other parts of your body and vice versa.

There are at least 150 types of HPV. The strains that are responsible for genital warts occur only in the genital region. They spread through direct contact with the skin of an infected partner through vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse. Infection may happen through contact with a visible genital wart or through sub clinical infection, meaning contact with an area of the skin with no visible genital wart. Following sexual intercourse with an infected person, genital warts may take a few weeks to several years to manifest.

6. You can do something to prevent further development of genital warts.

Many studies have proven that having a healthy immune system helps a lot in preventing the outbreak of genital warts. For those who have had genital warts, physicians require specific supplements that boost the immune system like selenium, green tea extract, bioflavins, and grape seed extract.

7. Genital warts may cause cervical cancer.

Approximately 70 percent of all cases of cervical cancer are caused by types 16 and 18 of HPV. HPV causes the outer layer of normal cells of the cervical transformation zone (TZ) to be replaced by cancer cells. Such a change is only detected in the early stages through a Pap smear. In fact, 90 percent of deaths arising from cervical cancer could have been prevented through early detection. Hence, it is imperative that all women who are sexually active have regular Pap smears.

W. Darren - - About the Author:
For more information, kindly visit Genital Warts Support Team - a health resource dedicated to providing factual information about Genital Warts. Related topics including Causes of Genital Warts , Diagnosis of Genital Warts and more.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Can Genital Warts Be Eliminated?

There are a lot of products available in the market nowadays that guarantee to eliminate your genital warts. However, it is important to know that the treatment that these products are talking about only refers to the removal of symptoms of genital warts. These available treatments merely get rid of the physical appearance of the warts. The virus responsible for genital warts, namely human papillomavirus (HPV), remains because there is still no cure for it. Thus, the best way of dealing with genital warts is prevention since treatment is very difficult.

It is a known fact that human papillomavirus is sexually transmitted. However, the virus does not need the exchange of fluids during sexual intercourse in order to be passed from one individual to another. Instead, HPV is spread through skin-to-skin contact with other people infected with the virus. Thus, you may use barrier protection such as condoms in order to reduce your chances of contracting HPV. These forms of protection, however, do not promise a 100 percent chance because they do not cover the genital region completely. What this means is that you can still catch the virus and get genital warts even if you are engaging in protected sex.

Immunization is another method by which you can prevent genital warts. However, this method only applies to women. In June 2006, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) approved the vaccine for the prevention of cervical cancer and other diseases caused by HPV for public use. After this, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensed the vaccine for use of women ages 9 to 26. This vaccine is commonly known as Gardasil. Gardasil is designed to protect women against four strains of HPV. These four strains all together amount to 70 percent of the cases of cervical cancer and 90 percent of genital warts cases.

You may also use prescription and/or over-the-counter medications to combat your genital warts. Examples of these include pondofilox, trichloracetic acid (TCA), and imiquimod. As mentioned before, these medications are only designed to eliminate the symptoms of genital warts and not to totally cure them. A lot of medical practitioners discourage the use of these medications because most of them have strong chemicals that, when not used properly, will definitely cause harm to our sensitive genitals.

If you find that these treatments are not effective for your case, your physician may recommend that you undergo major procedures to get rid of your genital warts, such as alpha-interferon injections, cryosurgery (freezing), CO2 laser surgery, and loop electrosurgical excision procedure.

It is vital to understand that even if the treatment for warts that you underwent was highly successful in eliminating the symptoms; your genital warts might recur because no cure has been found for the root cause of the problem, which is the human papillomavirus. Studies have shown that HPV can sleep in your system for a long period, and this may bring about the outbreak of another episode of genital warts.

However, it is good to know that the recurrence of genital warts happens in different levels of persistence. Some people will undergo several recurrences, while others will only have a few. This implies that our immune system gets some hold of the HPV, thus lowering our chances of getting recurrent episodes. In fact, in many cases, the probability of genital warts resurfacing get completely eliminated after two years.

W. Darren - - About the Author:
For more information, kindly visit Genital Warts Support Team - a health resource dedicated to providing factual information about Genital Warts. Visit site for related topics: "What Are Genital Warts?", "Symtoms of Genital Warts" and more.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Genital Warts - OTC Treatments For Genital Warts

Genital warts are a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease. They are caused by human papillomavirus
 (HPV). Genital warts usually appear as grey or flesh-colored tiny bumps that are cauliflower-like. They are small, about 2 millimeters in diameter, but they can grow in large clusters and spread out into huge masses in the genital and anal areas. Furthermore, they may manifest in the mouth and throat of individuals who have engaged in oral sex with an infected partner.

HPV can lie dormant in your system for as short as a few weeks to as long as several years without showing any symptoms. However, it does not mean that while the HPV is in the incubation phase, you cannot spread it or contract it. This makes it hard to determine whether or not you have the said virus in our system, especially if no symptoms manifest. The best way to find out is to visit your doctor regularly for a check-up. He will conduct tests in order to verify if you have HPV. If you do, he will recommend the appropriate treatment plan depending on your medical history and the nature of your genital warts.

Over-the-Counter Treatment

But instead of visiting a doctor, some people prefer to purchase over-the-counter treatments. Genital warts are a serious and sensitive health disorder that has both physical and emotional effects on the sufferers. Since some over-the-counter treatments have been proven safe and effective in getting rid of genital warts, those sufferers can be spared from the expense, pain, and embarrassment that a visit to the doctor can bring about. If you do decide to buy over-the-counter treatments, make sure that you know how to use them. When used in the wrong way, they may have side effects and may damage your other healthy tissues. Also, make sure that they are compatible with the other treatments that you are using, if any. Some over-the-counter treatments may be dangerous if used alongside incompatible medications.

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a popular component of many over-the-counter genital wart. The skin should be moistened with warm water in order to enhance the treatments' effects. Remove loose tissue, if any, and dry the affected area thoroughly. Then, apply the treatment directly on the warts. Those who have used salicylic acid solutions claim that their condition improved within a week or two. Note, however, that people with weak immune systems should refrain from using these products. Salicylic acid genital warts treatments are not recommended for use on warts with hair and on irritated areas. Pregnant women should also avoid them since they may have side effects on the fetus.

Natural Topical Gels

Aside from salicylic acid-based treatments, there are also natural topical gels that boost the skin's immune system to help it combat HPV. Examples include tea tree oil and grape seed extract. These products work not by destroying the tissue, but by helping your body overcome HPV on its own. About 50 percent of those who have tried these gels claim that they got positive results within a few weeks.

W. Darren - - About the Author:
For more information, kindly visit Genital Warts Support Team - a health resource dedicated to providing factual information about Genital Warts. Related topics including What Are Genital Warts? , Symtoms of Genital Warts and more.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Genital Warts and Their Treatments

Home treatments for pesky wart infections

Before we discuss genital warts let us first make sure that you know what warts are common and then you will see how the genital variety differs. Common warts are ones that appear on hands and fingers while there are also plantar warts that are the ones that happen on the bottoms of our feet.

Common skin warts are either yellow, light grey, brown or gray-black, and are firm to touch. They routinely appear on the back of your hands, or close to the fingernails.

Genital warts and HPV infection are broadcast essentially by sexual intimacy, and the chance of infection increases as the quantity of sexual partners increase. These warts are the most contagious, while common, flat, and plantar (foot) warts are far less sure to spread from individual to individual.

A number of problems can be due to genital warts may arise during pregnancy.

But before you get too alarmed, do realize that the difficulty is often simply that if the warts are in the vagina, they can make the vagina less elastic and cause obstruction during delivery. Warts of the goalies look like flesh colored tons of tissue. In a number of cases they may appear as bumps.

Warts from sexual transmission can be raised or flat, little or large. Occasionally they are clustered together in a cauliflower-like shape. These warts can get very much bigger during pregnancy, making pissing difficult. Warts on our non-public parts are the most typical evidence of HPV infection. However, most HPV infections don\'t lead to either warts or cancer; most infections leave by themselves, without causing any symptoms.

Genitally transferred warts might or might not show symptoms. If they do, the warts may appear as little cauliflower-shaped abrasions that might be raised or flat.

Genital warts don\'t affect the baby during pregnancy. Genital Herpes (wart infection) often happens as a cluster of (frequently unpleasant) liquid filled "blisters" that appear on a background of skin that is reddish or a little inflamed.

Fresh outbreaks of herpes after their initial outbreak is ( we've been told ) common when infected with HSV ( type 1or two ) and will be related to the menstrual cycle, emotional stress, illness ( particularly with fever ), sex, surgery, and certain medicines The medical profession calls these trigger factors. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the right term for warts of the private parts and the course of the infection sometimes isn't simple.

Because, like it or not, they are tiny fleshly skin cancers of the genital and perianal area caused most frequently by the most typical sexually spread pathogen, HPV six and 11. As we have already started to describe Human Papilloma Pathogen spreads by skin to peel contact during vaginal, oral and anal sex and is estimated to affect one percent of the active in a sexual sense population aged between sixteen and 50.

Warts and corns can be dealt with at home when accessible on the body, and not in a delicate location. The idea is to remove thickened, ill skin without damaging surrounding healthy tissue, and by so doing help the body to win over on the pathogen by removing the seat of the infection.

In the case of genital wart issues though home care isn't truly satisfactory, and you need to get medical recommendation from the start and as fast as you see them. Warts will not usually leave scars, though some of the more assertive wart treatments might.

The reality is though that you can re-infect yourself again by touching the wart and then another part of your body. Cures that have been used during the past for this condition for plantar and similar warts but are in no way endorsed in this article.

Warts could be frozen with varied commercial freezing probes or with liquid nitrogen sprayed on or applied with a cotton swab. Cryotherapy is sometimes used for plantar warts and warts under the fingernails.

Doctors themselves have announced during the past that they don\'t know the way to dispose of genital warts, making it hard to keep returning to get genital warts removed.

Expensive surgical procedures regularly leave scars, are painful, and need a big quantity of healing time. Salicylic acid is the chemical most frequently found in over the counter products. Another similar acting chemical is retinoic acid. Salicylic acid is often used to treat ordinary warts, and some people believe that it might help their genital wart condition, but they could be no more incorrect. Using home cures like salicylic acid can only injure your body.

This article is provided for general reading and entertainment and isn't a medical recommendation. Ask your medical advisor, doctor or nurse about every aspect of any infirmity and get treatment.

Steve Evans - About the Author:
Steve Evans has created a new web site for wart sufferers. It is not the most happy subject, but a visit to WartTreatmentandRemoval.Com is recommended before you pay out for any wart treatment or off-the-shelf remedy.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Genital Warts

Genital warts are also called venereal warts and the clinical name is condylomata acuminate. This is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, and is known to affect 8% of Americans. Genital warts can be quite small or even grow into big clusters and appear like cauliflower. The average warts look like flesh colored bumps and sometimes become red. They affect the soft and moist tissues of the genital area and surrounding skin.

Health Concerns

Genital warts can be treated, but they have been associated in the past with cervical cancer in women. Other genital cancers have been seen more frequently in those that have previously had genital warts, and therefore regular testing is suggested after the first outbreak.


Women will experience warts generally on the vulva, vaginal walls, and cervix and even on the areas between external genital areas and the anal passage. On men, the tip and shaft of the penis as well as the scrotum and anus are common sites for the genital warts. Small flesh colored or gray areas around the genitals are the first sign of warts. Itching and varied discomfort in the genital areas as well as bleeding with sexual intercourse are also common. Lastly, genital warts can occur with no symptoms or signs at all. The warts can be so small that they cannot be seen without the aid of ocular help.


Genital warts are caused by the HPV virus that infects the upper layer of skin. There are over 100 different types of HPV, yet only a few can cause genital warts. This virus is highly contagious and is spread through sexual contact alone. Within 3 months of sexual contact with a person who is infected will cause 2/3 of people to have the condition.


If you have unprotected sex with multiple partners, or have had another sexually transmitted disease, your risk of genital warts goes up. Having sex with anyone whose sexual history you do not know also puts you at risk. Having oral sex with someone who has genital warts will cause the oral partner to also get warts.


Cancer of the cervix is closely watched due to the link with the HPV infection in women. Other types of HPV are known to cause cancers of the anus, vulva and penis. HPV doesn’t always lead to any type of cancer, but regular testing including Pap tests for women will help to ensure early detection. Pregnant women if infected will see larger warts. If a woman has warts on her vaginal wall, it may cause the vaginal wall to not be able to get large enough to deliver a child. There are also instances where babies born to mothers with genital warts develop them in their throats. Surgery is sometimes used to prevent the obstruction of air in this case.


Removal of the warts can actually create wart-free times. But if left untreated, sometimes visible warts will go away on their own. External warts can be treated with Podofilox, a gel that is put on the warts with a cotton swab twice daily for 3 days. Cryotherapy or liquid nitrogen can be applied once every 2 weeks by a physician to rid the warts, or using podophyllin resin weekly by a doctor. At any rate, treatment will be overseen by a physician for an ongoing period to ensure flare ups are at a minimum.

Waldon Bioresearch - About the Author:
Genital Warts and Genital Herpes Treatment. New Breakthrough Treatments for genital warts, genital herpes and HPV from Waldon Bioresearch. For details visit

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What are the Genital Warts Symptoms?

In many cases, Genital warts symptoms vary from one person to another. From time to time it can even be mistaken for another medical condition. Sometimes Genital HPV does not manifest physically (such as warts) often misleading people to believe they have something else.

You see you could suffer from all the genital warts symptoms and still not see any warts. You in some cases the genital warts themselves can be so small that they are almost invisible to the human eye. This is often a major reason that makes people believe they in fact suffer from a different condition.

This reason alone is good enough to make you seek a physician help. He will take into consideration your genital warts symptoms and will run further test to decide if you have genital warts. One of the methods used to perform such test is to dab a small bit of acetic acid on the area suspected of having warts.

Unfortunately the genital warts symptoms can often be missed especially when found within the vaginal wall. In this particular case the genital warts symptoms can often be mistaken for another condition like the yeast infection. This is another good reason to consult a doctor if you suspect you are suffering from genital warts symptoms.

Having an accurate diagnosis performed by a professional will make sure you receive the proper treatment according to your condition. Doing a self diagnosis can lead you in the wrong direction; you could easily be treating yourself for the wrong condition.

Treating yourself for the wrong condition may not be dangerous although using the wrong medication can make your body used to that particular medication which in turn will render it useless if you ever need it.

The most important thing you should never do is to simply ignore your genital warts symptoms. Leaving your symptoms untreated can cause serious damage to your health and lead to a more serious condition such as the cancer of the cervix. If you are suffering from recurrent genital warts symptoms consult immediately as this can be the precursor of much more serious conditions like cervical cancer and even HIV-AIDS.

In such severe cases, the genital warts symptoms are probably the signs of the more serious condition. This is exactly why YOU MUST consult you physician to have a proper diagnosis to make sure you really are suffering from genital warts symptoms. Making sure you have the proper treatment.

Unfortunately even if you manage to get rid of the genital warts symptoms, the virus itself “the human Papilloma Virus (HPV)” cannot be treated.

Frederic Madore - About the Author:
This articles was written to help you understand what are the most common genital warts symptoms.

If you are experiencing any genital warts symptoms, you should browse through our website, we offer various information about genital warts treatment and cure. We help you understand it.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Planters Warts Treatment and Prevention

Besides minor pain when walking, planters warts are not among health threatening infections, they can be cured effectively and the fastest way to get rid of them is to consult your doctor. Planters warts is a term used for describing warts on your feet. Normally plantar warts are found on the lower part of your foot, the so called "plantar" part. HPV, human version of papilloma virus, is responsible for planters warts and generally it is caught by walking barefoot in places regularly visited by crowds of people. The infection happens when this virus enters the body through any crack in the foot. Some of the statistics show that about ten percent of the teenagers in the West get infected with this virus by simply walking barefoot in public showers and the like places.

How To Diagnose The Plantar Warts

Pinpointing planters warts infection in its first stages is very though owing to the fact that they look exactly the same as the normal skin callus. Once infected, the HPV thrives in the conducive environment provided by sweaty feet encased in shoes the whole day. These warts grow on the skin and sometimes even inside the skin; they are painful to touch and they multiple steadily. Sometimes, on walking you would feel like you are having a stone in your shoe. Besides the pain, the color of the affected area can tell you if you have warts (fleshy color) or just a pale yellowish dead skin tissue.

How To Remove Warts

There is nothing strange when plantars warts, event without any treatment, simply disappear after a while. Statistics show that in 50% of cases, you will have to take one or the other measure to actively fight those warts. Wart treatment remedies are easy to buy and there are even some effective home treatment methods that could help.

No matter what advice you get from your friends and well wishers, you should visit a doctor and have it treated medically. Regardless which treatment you prefer, you have to prep your immune system to fight against the virus-otherwise it will remain in your body.

The medicine prescribed would often involve salicylic acid applications, patches or other chemical treatments as per the doctor's advice. Following doctors's advice will in 80% of cases cure you from warts within maximum of two weeks. Sometimes however, the warts refuse to go away. Freezing is another commonly used method with warts that do not response to the first treatment prescribed by your physician.

Curing stubborn warts can be done with prolonged usage of standard patches and anti-wart ointments. Any wart treatment should show some kind of results regardless to the time you apply it. Most effective wart remedies are those which are agreed upon with your doctor.

Following "on the street" advice on wart remedies can lead to many unpleasant complications, like permanent scars, deep skin infections and other.

Melanie Hudson - About the Author:
Pay attention to Foot warts expert advice website-a popular place for more plantar warts content.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Beware of that Mole-like Thing

Most of us are not familiar with a lot of diseases that can hit on our loved ones or on our own body. We can equipped our selves by knowing these infectious disease and become aware of their symptoms. One of the threaded diseases caused that can be passed on easily is the wart. Having this mole-like thing on the skin
 is at first, seems nothing. But according on doctors, anyone should be aware because it may be the cancerous wart.

Admit it; we are not that familiar on warts or on other infectious diseases as long as we have not had one. There are lots of common types of warts. Most of them are not that dangerous but still contagious.

First of all, what is a wart? A wart, according to google, is generally a small, rough tumor, typically on hands and feet but often other locations, that can resemble a cauliflower.. Warts are common, and are caused by a viral infection, specifically by the human papillomavirus (HPV)[1] and are contagious when in contact with the skin of an infected person. It is also possible to get warts from using towels or other objects used by an infected person.

There is the familiar type of dome-shaped warts on the backs of fingers, toes, and knees. Plantar warts are found on the bottom of the foot. (The "plantar" part of the foot. These are not "Planter's warts.") A plantar wart is a small lesion that appears on the sole of the foot and typically resembles a cauliflower, with tiny black petechia (tiny hemorrages under the skin) in the center. Pinpoint bleeding may occur when these are scratched, and they may be painful when standing or walking. Flat ("plane") warts may arise on the face, legs, and other parts of the body, often in large numbers. Genita wart is a wart that occurs on the genitalia. Periungual warts are warts around or under the nail. Filiform warts typically appear as a single long stalk, often on the face.

These are just the common types of warts. There are 100 types of warts, some of them are just infectious and some leads to dreadful diseases that can omit lives.

Ashley Foster - About the Author:
Have you learned something from this article? Want to know more about warts? Visit Jenny Calonia is an SEO working for Verdant Nature.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

What Do Genital Warts Look Like? - How To Identify Genital Warts

Want To Know What Genital Warts Look Like?

If you have to ask the question what do genital warts
look like, then you could have a few small cauliflowered shaped bumps on the buttocks, anal or vaginal regions. There could be hundreds of these bumps and they will hurt when you touch them.. In men they will manifest themselves on the penis and scrotum making sexual intercourse quite painful. They could also be flattish raised bumps as well.

For Genital Warts Pictures Click Here

This disease is caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV and can be transmitted through sex or simply by touching someone else. If you have had unprotected sex with a stranger it can take up to three months for genital warts to manifest themselves. However be aware even if you or your partner do not have warts, and feel fine, the virus is still transmittable and highly contagious, so always use a condom. Also be aware that a condom is notcompletely effective and may not prevent transmission, remember that the disease is communicable with only skin to skin contact.

While you may be embarrassed to discuss the condition it is important that you get it treated. Even though you will never be able to get rid of the virus entirely you may be able to get rid of the warts. There are several options for getting rid of them including, medication such as podofilox and trichloroacetic acid, surgery where the doctor will remove the warts with a scalpel, or clinical procedures such as freezing or burning them off with a laser.

Even after treatment there is a possibility of recurrence. In a few rare cases the warts will just go away by themselves, but this is rare and happens in less than 20% of cases. Even if they do you should seek treatment to insure that they do not return worse, which is often the case.

Using a condom and getting tested if you are sexually active and sleep with many partners is a necessity. Also there may be a new vaccine available soon for men from Merck. It is currently undergoing FDA approval. There is already a vaccine available for women called Gardasil.

You should always seek help from a doctor before undergoing treatment. Also remember that you should not use the over the counter wart treatments such as Compound W, for genital warts. This medication is much too strong to use in these sensitive areas and may damage the skin. So if you have to ask yourself what do genital warts look like, have a look on the Internet for general information, but seek the counsel of a doctor for treatment.

Palmer Owyoung - About the Author:
Want To end The Pain and Embarrassment of Genital Warts?
FREE Yourself From Genital Warts Get an All Natural Treatment
Get Genital Warts Pictures and a FREE guide to living with genital warts

Friday, April 16, 2010

Genital Warts Medicine- Solutions For Genital Warts

If you are in need of genital warts medication then you're sufficiently unlucky to have the HPV pathogen, but don't despair, even though it's not curable there a number of treatments for genital warts that will help to alleviate the symptoms. In some cases genital warts go away all alone in about 10%-20% of cases over the course of 3 to four months. If you don't happen to be one of these then here are a few medications that you can be treated with, both by your GP and on your own.

These are the options, all of which need a presciption-
-Podofilox ( Condylox ) - Can be topically applied at home and it may also be useful for prevention. Podofilox is employed for about a month and it works by destroying the wart tissue. Generally 45% to 90% of warts are cleared, but in many cases the warts will return.

-Imiquimod- This increases the immune system so helping it to ward off the virus. This clears warts in 70% to 85% of patients, but in 5% to 20% of cases they come back. Also skin irritation is a standard side-effect of this cream.

Additionally, a doctor can offer other kinds of wart-removal treatments.
There are a number of other harsher treatments a doctor can recommend including-

-Cryotherapy- Which freezes the warts off with liquid nitrogen. It has a high reply rate with few side-effects.

-Laser treatment- This is used for significant cases of determined genital warts. Although it is effective it's also expensive, requires healing time and could cause scar tissue.

-Electrodesiccation : This uses an electrical current to burn the warts off and can be completed in a doctors office with a local anasthetic.

A Homeopathic Remedy
You might also want to consider a homeopathic solution which is a ton less harsh than the chemicals found in many medications. It fundamentally uses natural herbs and minerals to excite your body's immunological response to fight the virus off. Again while there's no cure thiis is one of the few natural treatments for genital warts and will be a more gentle and similarly effective method as some of the genital warts medicine available.

Don't Forget that even if you don't have warts that you're still contagious and so must always practice safe sex.

Palmer Owyoung - About the Author:
Want To end The Pain and Embarrassment of Genital Warts?
FREE Yourself From Genital Warts Get an All Natural Treatment
Get Genital Warts Pictures and a FREE guide to living with genital warts