Seeing as this virus is easily spread, and that many people don’t even know that they may have it until external signs and symptoms, like venereal warts, surface one can better understand how this virus has become so widespread. The startling thing is that the medical community seems to be doing little about it, as warts are not life threatening. But when you have millions of people who are infected with HPV, and with a number steadily growing each year—as the CDC currently estimates that six million people will become infected with HPV in 2010, and that around twenty some odd million people already have genital warts, why is there no medical drug that treats this disease?
Sure, there are shots that young girls can get which prevent a few of the forty known strains, and mostly serve to prevent cervical cancer. And then there are creams that are very expensive and that only have a less than fifty percent success rate – creams that simply boost the immune system response to the virus. So as you can see, there are ample reasons why people are turning to venereal warts natural cures in the US, and what follows are three of the top reasons.
1. There is no medical cure for HPV, and the treatment options include painful surgeries or freezing, or using creams that have poor success rates. So many people seek natural alternatives to try and treat HPV in the privacy of their own home.
2. With no medical cure in sight, and no companies making any strides to treat this virus, it is no shocker that more companies are creating natural cures for HPV that boost the immune system to help sufferers find affordable relief.
3. Nobody wants to suffer from venereal warts, and the embarrassment, anxiety and depression that they can cause. With nothing else to look for, venereal wart natural cures seem to be currently the best bet at eradicating this virus.
Learn more about an amazing Venereal Warts Natural Remedy at: http://www.venerealwartsnaturalcure.com/