Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hpv Warts

When a person contracts the HPV infection, at times it can be difficult to diagnose it as such. This is due to the fact that some people might not display the physical signs of HPV warts, or they might not display the signs in a clearly visible area.

It can also happen that some signs of HPV warts are mild and not visible to the naked eye. For all of these cases there are various testing methods which can help physicians to diagnose whether or not a person has genital HPV warts.

The most common method of testing for genital HPV warts is through a visual examination. The physician will be able to determine through a visual exam whether a person might have genital HPV or not.

If however, the person is not displaying the physical signs in the form of HPV warts, but displays some of the other more commonly associated signs of genital HPV, the physician will proceed to the next step.

Depending on a variety of factors this can be a cervical smear, or a colposcopic exam. In some cases the physician will first daub some acetic acid over the suspected area. This in turn will turn white any HPV warts which may be present in the skin but which are not readily discernible to the eye.

This state of being almost invisible can arise as result of the HPV warts being small, or even flat in size and appearance. For the most part though, HPV warts will be largish in size and sometimes have a cauliflower like appearance.

Some HPV warts will be flesh colored lesions, while others might take on the appearance of an angry red rash at first. HPV warts come in all shapes and sizes, just as HPV warts testing methods comes in a variety of forms. These go from scientific medical treatment methods to natural, folk or home remedies.

HPV warts are highly contagious though, so if a person displays signs of warts they should have a medical examination as soon as possible. Sexual intercourse should also be avoided with a partner who has genital HPV warts, and this includes vaginal sex, anal sex, and oral sex.

HPV warts spread through skin to skin contact and so can spread to a partner if sexual intercourse is not avoided until the infected person is cured of HPV warts. It’s also a good idea not to use or share the towel or other personal items such as clothing of a person who has genital HPV warts.

This state of affairs should continue until the HPV warts have been cured or removed. Any toweling, clothing and linen which came into contact with the infected areas should be laundered separately for maximum effect.

Krishan Bakhru - About the Author:

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hpv Vaccine

Although there was much said about an HPV vaccine, it wasn’t until very recently that an HPV vaccine was granted approval by the FDA to be used in the treatment of HPV.

HPV is short for the Human Papilloma Virus which is regarded as a sexually transmitted disease. There are more and more cases of this virus occurring, and as more and more teenagers and preteens begin sexual lives at this early age, there is now more than ever a spread of this virus.

The main reason for this lying in the fact that HPV is contagious. This was a factor in trying to find a viable HPV vaccine. It had already been established that there was no cure as such for the HPV infection but a vaccine was still seen as a possibility.

So it was, that in June of 2006 the first ever HPV vaccine was approved by the FDA. This HPV vaccine is known by the name of Gardasil and for the time being at least is used as a vaccine to treat HPV in women.

Another vaccine which was awaiting on FDA approval as of the end of 2006 is called Cervarix and is also used as an HPV vaccine for women. An HPV vaccine for men has as yet to be established although Gardasil is being tested for use on men as well.

Studies for the HPV vaccine Gardasil shows that it is best if administered before the commencement of sexual relations. For this reason it has been recommended that this HPV vaccine be administered to girls as young as 9-12 years of age.

This is the ideal recommended time frame to administer the HPV vaccine, although the age delimitation is between 12-26 years. Within this age window a series of 3 Gardasil HPV vaccine doses will be administered.

Not unnaturally, the very young age at which the HPV vaccine is recommended be administered to women, is the cause for concern and contention among many people, parents of young girls especially. However there are always two sides to a story and both sides in this case have their good points.

On the one hand administering this HPV vaccine can prevent the onset of the HPV infection in sexually active young women. And on the other hand, parents are afraid that administering such a vaccine at such a young age could be sending the wrong message to the younger generations.

What truly complicates the entire issue is the fact that there is lobbying to make this HPV vaccine a mandatory one. This could in effect upset the apple cart as it is taking away the choice from the parent as to whether their child should receive the HPV vaccine or not.

Krishan Bakhru - About the Author:

Friday, February 26, 2010

Our Most Frequently Asked Question: How Much HPVI (HomeoPathic Virus Inhibitor) to Naturally Treat HPV Infections Should I Use?

Should I use a 4, 6 or 12 month supply of Homeo Pathic Virus Inhibitor, or more?

The HPVI Ultra Blast! Four Month Supply:
Recommended for users who have had HPV for six months to a year, because this 120 day supply will efficiently allow your immune system to attack the HPV virus from within—forcing it into cessation and taking back control of your life from this virus FAST! Provides a full 120-day supply of our amazing HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) to knock out HPV and all signs and symptoms rapidly; when taken as directed most users will see noticeable signs of the HPV virus cessation within the first 3-6 weeks; some users who have had HPV longer may take 8-10 weeks to see desired results.

The HPVI Mega Blast! Six Month Supply:
Recommended for users who have had HPV for nine months to a year, because this 180-day supply will efficiently allow your immune system to attack the HPV virus from within—forcing it into cessation and taking back control of your life from this virus FAST! Provides a full 180-day supply of our amazing HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) to knock out HPV and all signs and symptoms rapidly; when taken as directed most users will see noticeable signs of the HPV virus cessation within the first 2-6 weeks; some users who have had HPV longer may take 8-10 weeks to see the desired results.

The HPVI Super Blast! Twelve Month Supply:
Recommended for users that have had HPV longer than a year as the best method of boosting your immune system from within, and attacking the HPV virus, forcing it into cessation and taking back control of your life from this virus FAST! Provides a full 365-day supply of our amazing HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) to knock out HPV and all signs and symptoms rapidly; when taken as directed most users will see noticeable signs of the HPV virus cessation within the first 3-6 weeks.

NOTE: We always recommend using a 12 month supply, HPVI Super Blast, because the HPV virus can remain dormant in your system, even after noticeable signs, like warts, have faded. However, depending upon how long you have been infected with HPV (Genital human papillomavirus), we strongly advise that you use an entire 12 month supply for optimal results!

HPVI B. Immune One-Per-Day Immune System Defense:
An excellent method of boosting your immune system from within, and attacking the HPV virus, and other viruses like herpes, forcing them into cessation and taking back control of your life from these viruses FAST! Provides a full 30-day supply of our amazing HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) formula to knock out viruses fast and to help prevent you from contracting other viruses, such as the common cold or flu. This reduced formula is reccomended for all users who have low immune systems, and can also be taken with our other wonderful HPV supplements. If you have HPV, this supplement is on ADD-ON to our existing HPVI products, and not the holistic remedy. We reccomend using this supplement, where you take one capsule every other day to support a healthy immune system once your HPV infections clears, to prevent future reoccurances, after you have completed the first sets of your HPVI supplement. Keep outbreaks from ever happening again with this affordable and easy-to-take, every-other-day supplement!

The FDA does not recognize the practice of herbs. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not evaluated any statement made herein. None of the information provided is meant to act as a prescription, medical advice or therapeutic advice. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As with any dietary supplement, you should ALWAYS seek advice from a health care practitioner prior to use of any type of herb(s) or herbal products, if you are pregnant, nursing, have high blood pressure, heart or thyroid disease, diabetes, difficulty in urination, taking a Mao inhibitor, or any other prescription drug, or have any medical condition requiring a physician’s care. Always keep all herbal products, including HPVI, out of the reach of children.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fighting Genital Warts and HPV daily with new Natural HPV Supplement

Bio Natural Labs is pleased to announce a new supplement called B. Immune 1-Per-Day Immune Defense

About B. Immune:
An excellent method of boosting your immune system from within, and attacking the HPV virus, and other viruses like herpes, forcing them into cessation and taking back control of your life from these viruses FAST! Provides a full 30-day supply of our amazing HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) formula to knock out viruses fast and to help prevent you from contracting other viruses, such as the common cold or flu. This reduced formula is reccomended for all users who have low immune systems, and can also be taken with our other wonderful HPV supplements. If you have HPV, this supplement is on ADD-ON to our existing HPVI products, and not the holistic remedy. We reccomend using this supplement, where you take one capsule every other day to support a healthy immune system once your HPV infections clears, to prevent future reoccurances, after you have completed the first sets of your HPVI supplement. Keep outbreaks from ever happening again with this affordable and easy-to-take, every-other-day supplement!

*The FDA does not recognize the practice of herbs. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not evaluated any statement made herein. None of the information provided is meant to act as a prescription, medical advice or therapeutic advice. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As with any dietary supplement, you should ALWAYS seek advice from a health care practitioner prior to use of any type of herb(s) or herbal products, if you are pregnant, nursing, have high blood pressure, heart or thyroid disease, diabetes, difficulty in urination, taking a Mao inhibitor, or any other prescription drug, or have any medical condition requiring a physician’s care. Always keep all herbal products, including HPVI, out of the reach of children.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hpv Pictures

HPV pictures can be either fascinating or they can be distressing depending on your point of view. What they do provide however, is a good method of documentation of HPV for future reference. These HPV pictures can and will most likely be used to help medical students proceed through their courses.

HPV pictures can help a medical student to recognize – at least theoretically – what genital HPV warts look like. These HPV pictures can be found in many different places and most students of the medical profession will refer up their textbooks to find what they need.

There are however other methods which are available to use as options in searching for HPV pictures. And one of the most common of these methods is the use of the internet. Just doing a search for HPV pictures will yield a myriad of pages all containing HPV pictures and in most cases information as well.

For those people who find that they can’t deal with the very graphical nature of these HPV pictures, most of these websites will contain a warning before you come upon the HPV pictures themselves. This will normally be placed in a very prominent place so that you don’t come unawares upon the pictures.

Some web pages will also display their HPV pictures at the very bottom of the page, after the information section has been finished. If you came to a page looking for information but instead found that there were no HPV pictures, you might first want to try scrolling down through the page to see if the pictures are at the end.

If not you might also find a link on the page which you can click on, to take you to the correct page containing the HPV pictures. And if you’re wondering why anyone other than a medical student, would go trawling around the internet, looking for HPV pictures, the answer to this lies in the desire to find information.

In other words if a person suspects, or has newly discovered that they have HPV they will probably do their best to gather all the information they can to better help them in understanding what the infection they have.

For the most part along with the HPV pictures, people will also find the information that they need. They will find out that HPV is abbreviated for Human Papilloma Virus and that it is also known as genital warts.

It is a highly contagious infection and is mainly passed through sexual interaction. This being the reason why it is has been classed as sexually transmitted disease. Looking through various is HPV pictures can also help a person to realize that they are not the only people in the world who have HPV and they…

Krishan Bakhru - About the Author:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hpv Infection

Many people in the world who suffer from an HPV infection will be quite unaware of this fact. This is in large part due to the reason that even though someone has an HPV infection, they might not in fact, display any signs or symptoms of the HPV infection.

In fact some people can go through their lives with an HPV infection and never develop the signs. Unfortunately for quite a lot of people, they will display the signs and symptoms of their HPV infection, and since HPV is highly contagious, there are also a great many people who will contract an HPV infection in their lifetimes.

HPV, or the Human Papilloma Virus as it is also known, comes in four different major forms. These are, Plantar warts (such as Verruca), Common warts, Acrochordons, and Genital warts. All of these strains of the HPV infection are contagious.

It should also perhaps be noted that an HPV infection can’t really be cured. The symptoms of it – generally in the form of warts – can be cured and removed using various methods. The actual HPV infection however will not be cured by any of these methods.

The immune system will need to fight the HPV infection off by itself. And as the immune system can sometimes take up to two to three years to get the HPV infection out of its system, a person might be subject to more than one episode of recurrence as well.

To date there has been found roughly over a hundred different strains of the HPV infection. This in turn means that even if you successfully fight off the initial HPV infection, you still stand a chance of getting a different type of HPV.

This is because each strain of HPV is different, and although you might now have the antibodies to fight off one particular strain of HPV, you don’t have immunity against all of them.

There really is no need to worry about this however. Even though there is no cure as such for an HPV infection, there are various different preventative measures which you can take to help you ward off an infection.

These are very simple and for the most part will involve nothing more strenuous than changing your lifestyle to something which is healthier. A few other precautions taken on your part – especially in the case of a genital HPV – means that you have a better than even chance of avoiding an HPV infection.

Krishan Bakhru - About the Author:

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hpv Testing

HPV testing in many cases involves nothing more strenuous than a visual examination by your physician. This is due to the fact that most of the time an HPV infection would have made its presence known by displaying signs and symptoms such as that of genital warts, or pink or flesh colored lesions.

If a visual examination yields no results then your physician will move on to the next step in HPV testing which involves the usage of acetic acid. The physician will daub some acetic acid (that’s vinegar to you and I), on the suspected area.

If there are any warts in the region they will turn up as white patches against the skin. If this doesn’t work, sometimes a swab of the area will be taken and sent for HPV testing.

Other HPV testing methods includes that of a cervical smear test. In this test a speculum is placed into the vagina, where it will be used to open the vagina. A swab of cell samples is then taken of the vaginal walls and sent in for testing.

If a woman has genital HPV it is then recommended that she come in for regular cervical smear tests about every three months. This added precaution of frequent HPV testing is undertaken until there is an improvement in the condition.

This sort of regular HPV testing needs to be carried out as genital HPV if left untreated can lead to abnormal cell development on the walls of the cervix which in turn can lead to cancer of the cervix.

Another HPV testing method is that of colposcopy. In this HPV testing method, the walls of the vagina and the cervix are “painted” with a vinegar solution. The vagina is then viewed through an instrument called a colposcope to detect any abnormalities.

If at this time a difference in shading is detected, a specially prepared dye is then applied in a small patch to the affected area. If there are areas on the cervix or the vaginal walls which don’t take on the dye, a small cell sample is then taken for further HPV testing.

To obtain the maximum results from your HPV testing there are few things that you can do, or not do, as the case may be.

These include, not douching as this can wash away any necessary evidence of HPV, not using any vaginal medications or herbal suppositories, and not using a tampon. You might also want to avoid going in for HPV testing if you have menstrual bleeding.

These can all of them to a great degree interfere with your HPV testing, and yield improper results. In some cases you might even need to carry out the examination again.

Krishan Bakhru - About the Author:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Hpv Virus And Its Effects

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's) have increased drastically over the years and new strains are developing everyday. Some of them can lead to death while some just cause you discomfort. The diseases include syphilis, herpes, and gonorrhea among others. The one thing that is common among all of them is that they cause pain; the symptoms you get are unsightly and cause discomfort. Genital warts are one of these STD's. The warts appear on your genital parts as raised pimples that are quite ugly. They are caused by viral infections and are not painful. Modern medicine has come up with solutions for them. The drugs help to control and get rid of the warts.

Genital warts that are also called HPV infection are caused by the Human Papillomavirus also referred to as HPV. According to doctors, this virus has more than a hundred strains, which make it impossible to control. The infection is usually spread through unprotected sex. There are some strains of the virus that are thought to cause cervical cancer and other pre-malignant changes among women. The best way to prevent the spread of the disease is to have protected sex. When you have contracted the virus, homeopathic drugs can be used to give you relief. One of the drugs that you can use is Wartrol Genital Warts Relief. The HPV virus is very contagious and can stay in your body for more than three months before you detect it. The only symptoms you will get are occasional itches on your genitals, which you are most likely to dismiss. After some time they will appear all over your genitals and the sight is not pretty.

The remedy for HPV works in the same way as the Herpeset genital Herpes relief; it releases counter-symptoms that are similar to those that the virus presents and then neutralizes them. The remedy is made from natural ingredients and is simple to use and can be used discreetly. It reduces the discomfort that is normally experienced. As with Thyroid Health Supplement or Weight Loss Products, the administration and usage of this drug requires a lot of discipline. The warts might disappear but this does not mean that the virus is gone. This strain of the virus takes a long time to be cleared from the human body.

Even as you use the drug, it is also important to avoid squeezing or picking the warts, applying any kind of pressure in your private parts as it can lead to bleeding, and most important of all, take care not to transmit it to your sexual partner.

Robert Campbell - About the Author: is a one stop site filled with all health products and information on how to take back control on health. Visit to know more and get aid to all your Genital Warts Relief.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

HPV and Genital Warts Treatments

Do you have single or multiple cauliflower-like bumps in the areas of vagina, cervix, vulva, penis or the rectum? Are those signs soft, moist or flesh-colored?

If you have this kind of peculiarities, then it is the time to talk to a dermatologist as soon as possible; chances are you might be infected with the HPV.

HPV or the Human papillomavirus is very much instrumental for most of the sexually transmitted diseases (STI) in the world. There are at most 100 kinds of HPV of which only 30 are spread by the sexual contacts. If the warts are not properly cured, the outcome could be drastic.

The HPV causes the genital warts with barely any symptom, but just do not get worried. The genital warts, if diagnosed in time, can be curable without any tension so far.

The diagnosis is very simple and concise; it involves using the acetic acid to the infected area. The solution makes the infected area white. The wart becomes visible. Now, it is easier for the health care provider to take a sample tissue from the contaminated zone. That tissue will be further examined under a microscope. Therefore, the examiner can be certain to determine whether it has a cancerous form or not.

There is, obviously, no specific treatment for the warts. Those infections come naturally and fade out naturally after certain period, but sometimes the infection does not go away. For such circumstances, it is advisable for you seek the help of a dermatologist.

On the basis of the intensity of this virus the doctor will prescribe several medicines including Imiquimod cream, podophyllin antimitotic solution, podofilox solution, 5-fluorouracil cream and trichloroacetic acid.

Podophyllin antimitotic solution, 5-fluorouracil cream or the podofilox solutions are strictly prohibited in times of pregnancy, since there might be the chances that the skin might absorb the solutions which might cause birth defects in your baby.

Three kinds of known treatments are there: Freezing the warts by the liquid nitrogen, burning the warts by the electronic needle and Laser treatment. Now it is up to your consent and on your health adviser, which process you will opt for. Sometimes the physician will inject the antiviral drug alpha interferon to the warts-affected area. It is a traditional approach and those who can not afford to buy expensive drug, this method is good for them.

It is found that even if the warts have gone by the treatments, the virus can still remain in the body; it may come back anytime.

anonymous - About the Author:
Jason Uvios writes about on HPV and Genital Warts Treatments to visit :- skin moles, rid moles and cancerous moles

Friday, February 19, 2010

Vaccinate to Protect Against HPV

Several issues about the vaccine remain to be addressed. It will be important to confirm that the strong safety profile remains intact as more individuals receive the vaccine. It remains to be determined how long the high level of type-specific protection is maintained, as this issue will have implications for whether and when booster injections might be advisable and will also contribute to the cost-effectiveness of the vaccine.

A substantial degree of cross-protection could increase the potential impact of the vaccine by further reducing the incidence of serious genital HPV infections and by reducing the number of abnormal Pap tests and the cost of their follow-up. On the other hand, protection against heterologous HPV types is likely to wane more quickly than that against the HPV types specifically targeted by the vaccine, which could also have implications for boosting.

Another unanswered question is whether vaccination might alter the natural history of prevalent HPV infection by reducing the incidence of persistent infection or cytological abnormalities. The large vaccine trials may have a sufficient number of prevalent infections attributable to the HPV types in the vaccine to address this question.

If such a “therapeutic effect” were seen, it could provide an added rationale to vaccinate sexually active women who might have prevalent infection with one of the types in the vaccine. The most likely explanation for such an effect would be that the vaccine had reduced the efficiency of transmission of an early infection from one genital site to other genital sites, presumably via specific antibodies in the genital tract.

It is also possible that the vaccine could have direct therapeutic effects against established lesions. However, this possibility seems less likely, as persistent infection is usually attributed to the presence of the viral genome in long-lived basal epithelial cells, which do not express L1. The experimental evidence also does not support this possibility.

A key question will be whom to vaccinate. In the United States, the main national advisory committee will be the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Until there are data that show the vaccine is protective in men, it would seem most logical to focus public health efforts primarily on vaccinating women.

If the principal activity of the vaccine is the prevention of incident HPV infection, the greatest reduction in the number of infections would likely result from immunizing girls or women before they become sexually active. In the United States, this consideration would imply that pre- or young adolescent girls would be prime candidates for the vaccine.

Of course, older girls and women with no prior sexual exposure should also achieve maximum benefit from the vaccine, which implies that “catch-up” vaccination for these groups should be seriously considered. Giving the vaccine to women who have had some prior sexual activity could also reduce their number of infections, although their degree of benefit from the vaccine would probably be inversely related to their degree of prior sexual activity.

Most pharmacology efforts now focus on developing a vaccine to inoculate the population in order to stop the HPV virus from infecting the system. This is ideal for the pharmaceutical companies as it would of course reap a monetary windfall of epic proportions for the drug companies, but not useful at all for those already affected with warts. Most doctors use cauterization or freezing as a first option to cure genital warts.

Unfortunately, success achieved with this method is often temporary and the warts soon reappear. HPVCurative is a new, highly effective and potent way to cure genital warts. It is valued for its role in the realm of genital warts cures, and has provided total clearance of the infection time after time.

It contains certified organic medicinal plant extracts and antiviral essential oils, which have demonstrated the ability to act as an HPV cure in laboratory tests. Users of HPVCurative experience rapid elimination of genital warts without scarring or recurrence. The treatment is painless and provides superb results when compare to other HPV cures.

It eliminates genital warts and restores skin tissue to the state it was in prior to the infection. Since the treatment can effectively remove genital warts and wart-like substances on the genitals, acid or surgical HPV cures may soon become a thing of the past. To learn more, please go to

bcured - About the Author:
staff of Nature Power Company, which is a network company dedicated to promoting customers' websites and developing softwares. You can go to the following websites to learn more about our natural organic products.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hpv In Men

Heard of it? Know what it is? How does it affect men? HPV or Human papillomavirus is a family of over 100 viruses that are transmitted by contact. Men get HPV through genital contact (during vaginal or anal sex). HPV usually causes no symptoms; therefore, most men and women can get HPV and pass it on without ever realizing it. HPV can remain passive inside a person’s body, even after years since the sexual encounter during which they acquired the disease.

HPVs can remain passive for years without showing any external signs of infection. The most common sign of HPV infection is warts – more often in genital areas. These may appear within several weeks after sexual contact with an infected person, or months or years before these appear. Warts may not even appear at all.

There are some signs to be on the look out for in men who do develop health problems related to warts, anal cancer or penile cancer.  Regarding warts, look out for one or more growths on the genitals (penis, testicles, groin, thighs, or anus); warts may protrude, be flat, or shaped like a cauliflower but these usually don’t hurt; warts may appear weeks or months after sexual contact with an infected person.

Anal cancer could show no signs or symptoms; however, some symptoms could include anal bleeding, pain, itching, or discharge, swollen lymph nodes in the anus or groin and changes in bowel habits or stool shape. Penile cancer signs to be aware of include changes in color, skin thickening, or a build-up of tissue on the penis, growth of the penis or sore feeling. Penile cancer could show no symptoms until the cancer is quite advanced.

Before getting all happy and packed with Generic Drugs, rethink your sex-capade for a minute. Are you packing all the condoms you’re going to need? are you packing the dose of responsible sex you need to go with those for the whole situation to be safe? Have you gotten tested before, in order to avoid other infections? Has she? (well, if you don’t know her there’s a slim chance of you being able to corroborate date and nor will she be able to do so for her own protection). No cure has yet been found for treating HPV. Take precautions. Warts can be surgically removed or frozen off, but cervical cancer in your girl might not be so easy to cure.

james - About the Author:
Hi I am Jimmy Scott.I am committed to provide visitors with complete information on men's health, sexual health,
issues related to sexuaility, I will also give you information about various generic drugs like Caverta,Kamagra,
Kamagra Jelly,Penegra, Edegra etc.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pregnancy And HPV: Will There Be Complications At All?

Pregnancy and HPV can undoubtedly harm the unborn baby. It can positively complicate a pregnancy. That is why it is important to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist if a pregnant woman has HPV.

During pregnancy, it is very significant to know if the woman does have genital warts. If she does, she will have difficulty urinating because the genital warts grow at a fast pace and causes a blockage to the birth canal. If the birth canal is blocked, the pregnant woman will undergo a caesarian delivery. But a caesarian delivery is more often than not being done if only genital warts are there. Pregnancy and HPV does not really affect the baby but it may cause birth defects. Seldom, a mother can send on the warts and the HPV infection to the child. If this happens, warts in the throat and mouth of the baby can be developed. It is curable but it could be life threatening to the baby.

HPV pregnancy, unfortunately has no available drug that can treat the virus, however natural treatment methods are available. If genital warts are present during pregnancy, the obstetrician may decide not to treat or treat them. Oftentimes, they get better or even fade away altogether after the woman gives birth. Some treatments can be used to eliminate it safely during gestation.

During pregnancy, there may be an increase of tissue changes in some pregnant women. It may result in premature labor which is why the doctor has to cancel the treatment for HPV. The doctor will observe if the warts get bigger because hormonal changes can cause the warts to multiply and at times may cause bleeding. If the warts get bigger and cause obstruction in the birth canal, there might be a need to remove the warts surgically before childbirth.

It is more important that if a woman is planning to get pregnant, she must consult her doctor to be able to know if she has HPV. Natural prevention can eliminate this risk and will be a big help to the mother and the baby to avoid complications during pregnancy.

Judith Sherven - About the Author:
Andrea Segovia inspires people seeking natural health solutions by providing tips on treatment methods that work naturally with the body. She contributes to the work stream in topics ranging from health, travel, and natural living. She is passionately involved with sharing her discoveries on HPV in Man.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

HPV Infection and Disease

Of the 10 million cases of cancer that develop annually throughout the world, more than 15% are estimated to be attributable to infectious agents. Infection by human papilloma viruses (HPVs) accounts for approximately 30% of these cancers, with hepatitis B and C viruses and Helicobacter pylori together accounting for another 60% of cancers with an infectious etiology.

HPVs infect the stratified squamous epithelia of skin and mucous membranes, where they cause benign lesions, some of which have the potential to progress to invasive cancer. HPVs are small, nonenveloped viruses whose approximately 8-kb circular genome encodes 2 structural proteins, L1 and L2, that form the viral capsid, plus several nonstructural proteins that are important for the virus life cycle but are not incorporated into virions.

To establish infection, microtrauma or erosion of the overlying epithelial layers is thought to enable HPVs to infect cells of the basal epithelial layer, where the stem cells and other long-lived cells are found. To establish infection, the virus must infect basal epithelial cells that are long lived or have stem cell-like properties. Microtrauma to the suprabasal epidermal cells probably enables the virus to infect the cell within the basal layer.

The viral genome maintains itself as an episome in basal cells, where the viral genes are poorly expressed. Viral replication takes place in suprabasal layers and is tied to the epidermal differentiation process. The presence of the virus causes morphological abnormalities in the epithelium, including papillomatosis, parakeratosis, and koilocytosis. Progeny virus is released in desquamated ces.

HPV infections tend to last months or years because the viral genome successfully parasitizes these cells and because the virus evades the immune system by limiting most viral gene expression and viral replication to suprabasal cell layers. Most infections are self-limited, presumably because the host eventually mounts a successful immune response.

The benign lesions induced by HPVs include nongenital and anogenital skin warts, oral and laryngeal papillomas, and anogenital mucosal condylomata. Progression from a benign cervical lesion to invasive cervical cancer. Infection by oncogenic HPV types, especially HPV16, may directly cause a benign condylomatous lesion, low-grade dysplasia, or sometimes even an early high-grade lesion.

Carcinoma in situ rarely occurs until several years after infection. It results from the combined effects of HPV genes, particularly those encoding E6 and E7, which are the 2 viral oncoproteins that are preferentially retained and expressed in cervical cancers; integration of the viral DNA into the host DNA; and a series of genetic and epigenetic changes in cellular genes. HSIL, high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion; LSIL, low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesn.

Anogenital infections are almost always transmitted sexually. Long-term infection by a subset of HPVs can lead to malignant anogenital tumors, including cancers of the anus, penis, vulva, vagina, and cervix. A proportion of oral cancer is also attributable to HPV. While HPV infection has been associated on limited occasions with esophageal cancer and skin cancer, a frequent causal link, although plausible, remains more tenuous.

Most doctors use cauterization or freezing as a first option to cure genital warts. Unfortunately, success achieved with this method is often temporary and the warts soon reappear. For genital warts, cures may involve having to surgically excise or burn them off. After surgical intervention or chemical acids are used, one can expect a scar in that area.

Warts occurring on the body, face, feet, hands or genitals can be successfully eliminated with AntiWarts-Rx. This product is made from strictly certified organic antiviral plant material and concentrated with naturally occurring monoterpene ketones which have tremendous antiviral effects against the wart virus, HPV, as demonstrated in published scientific studies.

As some go their entire life without ever having a wart, while others seem prone to the infection, it is commonly believed occurrences of warts are associated with a lower immunity against HPV. As a result, ImmunoDrops for Warts is a powerful organic dietary supplement developed by NaturesPharma exclusively to combat HPV and strengthen immune parameters for those afflicted with warts.

Our anti-warts treatments are characterized by very strong and real pharmacological activities which unequivocally qualifies them as “ethical drugs”. The antiviral properties of these treatments are undisputed and basic common sense must be considered when using any treatment, natural or synthetic. To learn more, please go to

bcured - About the Author:
staff of Nature Power Company, which is a network company dedicated to promoting customers' websites and developing softwares. You can go to the following websites to learn more about our natural organic products.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Prevention of HPV

The vaccine currently marketed in the United States prevents infection by human papilloma virus (HPV) types 6, 11, 16, and 18. Vaccination against HPV types 16 and 18 is most effective in preventing infections from these viruses in females who have not previously been infected with these types.

It is most effective when given before the onset of sexual activity. The impact of this vaccine on the incidence of cervical cancer will not be observable for years. Its effectiveness will depend on the duration of immunity and will be optimized by achieving maximum coverage of the target population.

Most investigators agree that routine immunization in females should begin at approximately age 12 years. Since the vaccine has been widely available only for a few years, catch-up vaccinations are currently recommended in previously unvaccinated females beginning at age 13 years and ranging to an upper limit of age 18-26 years.

Educating women, particularly those who are socially and economically disadvantaged, about behaviors that enhance sexual risk reduction has a proven benefit in reducing the incidence of STDs. Reducing the incidence of STDs potentially could decrease HPV transmission and, consequently, the incidence of cervical carcinoma.

Condom use may reduce the transmission of HPV to uninfected sex partners, but it does not eliminate the risk. Furthermore, caution patients that treatment does not eliminate the possibility of HPV transmission because latent virus still may be present in tissues adjacent to treated areas.

The risk of perinatal human papilloma virus (HPV) transmission to the oropharyngeal mucosa of the neonate is low for mothers with latent infections or genital warts. The time between rupture of the amnion and delivery may be a critical factor in predicting transmission.

Infants with HPV-positive nasopharyngeal aspirates in the immediate postpartum period are considered contaminated rather than infected with HPV because the virus generally clears from the neonate over several months after birth. Cesarean delivery for the prevention of vertical HPV transmission to the newborn is not indicated. However, in rare cases, cesarean delivery may be indicated if the pelvic outlet is obstructed by large genital warts.

Approximately two thirds of patients with nongenital cutaneous warts experience a spontaneous regression within 2 years; however, some new warts may appear. Genital warts may spontaneously regress, remain unchanged, or increase in size. Treatment of these lesions does not affect the development of cervical cancer.

Most doctors use cauterization or freezing as a first option to cure genital warts. Unfortunately, success achieved with this method is often temporary and the warts soon reappear. For genital warts, cures may involve having to surgically excise or burn them off. After surgical intervention or chemical acids are used, one can expect a scar in that area.

Surgical intervention as a HPV cure attempts not only to cut out the virus but also to stimulate tissue inflammation. The theory is that the body will then develop an antibody response to prevent viral recurrence. However, this method to cure genital warts often fails as doctors are unable to remove the virus in its entirety, since it commonly lodges itself deep in the dermal layers of the skin.

Among all the types of genital warts cures, genital surgery subjects the patient to a highly invasive procedure. This method can be most unpleasant and ineffective, and can also create genital scarring. An alternative antiviral treatment is now available which represents a very promising solution to the growing epidemic of genital warts.

HPVCurative is a new, highly effective and potent way to cure genital warts. It is valued for its role in the realm of genital warts cures, and has provided total clearance of the infection time after time. Results are guaranteed. It contains certified organic medicinal plant extracts and antiviral essential oils, which have demonstrated the ability to act as an HPV cure in laboratory tests.

Users of HPVCurative experience rapid elimination of genital warts without scarring or recurrence. The treatment is painless and provides superb results when compare to other HPV cures. It eliminates genital warts and restores skin tissue to the state it was in prior to the infection. Since the treatment can effectively remove genital warts and wart-like substances on the genitals, acid or surgical HPV cures may soon become a thing of the past.

Alkaloids exhibiting a broad spectrum of antiviral activity have been identified in a select few herbal extracts, which have been blended into all of our HPV cures. These antiviral alkaloids can penetrate into human tissue, and are known to be highly effective in genital warts cures. To learn more, please go to

bcured - About the Author:
staff of Nature Power Company, which is a network company dedicated to promoting customers' websites and developing softwares. You can go to the following websites to learn more about our natural organic products.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

HPV Warts - Your Options

Human papillomaviruses or the HPV, are common viral infections that cause warts, there are some natural medications that are beneficial to speed up the healing process and eventually completely remove HPV warts.

HPV warts are hard skin growths that can be seen on the face, hands, feet genitals, and they are basically harmless causing no serious diseases, but they are contagious. The main treatment for HPV warts is to remove them.
You have the option to remove them through surgery or medical procedures or maybe you want something that is natural. There are herbal, home-grown or commercial products that could help you treat HpV warts. However, keep in mind that not all warts are successfully removed and work well for everyone. The up side of the upside of natural HPV Wart remover is that it is inexpensive and generally safe.

If you really want to treat your HPV warts the natural way, get lemon juice, lemon balm oil, vinegar birch oil, and garlic cloves in your kitchen. You should try to make these things available to have homemade remedies for your HPV warts.

Certainly, lemon, lime and grape fruit juice contain citric acid whereas vinegars have ascetic acid that is so helpful to treat HPV warts. These homemade products with acid content are useful to gently exfoliate the lining of the wart, and also the risk-free method to nurse HPV warts.

Commercial products found in the market are also good in accelerating the healing process of HPV warts since most of them contain salicylic acid that helps to cure warts. This acid content gently removes the layers of the warts until they decrease in size and disappear. Other commercial products also contain mild acid as their main ingredient. When using these products, make sure that you follow the directions carefully.

Never forget to see your doctor if the symptoms persist. Your doctor can provide you proper prescription for your stubborn warts like topical ointments and he/she may use a method called electrocautery that utilizes an electrical current that helps to burn off the warts or surgery to cut out the wart. Although these methods are available they can often be dangerous.

Lastly, you should strengthen your immune system.  This is one way to fight the HPV infection and this can be done by taking a lot of Vitamin C and herbs like echinacea and goldenseal. To protect your body from HPV infection, you should have a healthy and strong body and immune system and there are several steps you can take to accomplish this.

AndreaSegovia - About the Author:
Andrea Segovia inspires people seeking natural health solutions by providing tips on treatment methods that work naturally with the body. She contributes to the work stream in topics ranging from health, travel, and natural living. She is passionately involved with sharing her discoveries on HPV

Saturday, February 13, 2010

HPV In Men: Do You Know About This?

Human papillomavirus cannot only infect women. HPV in man is also possible. They may have gotten the infection during sexual intercourse without knowing that their partner is infected with HPV.

HPV in man, in the diagnosis, the virus can be transmitted to their partner through sexual contact. It could possibly expose the partner to vulvar and cervical cancer and it depends on what type of HPV or genital warts he does carry. Bumps or growths of warts in the genital area are the low-risk HPV while the flat and nearly visible ones that can contribute to the development of vulva, anal and cervical cancers are the high-risk HPV. The infection may not have symptoms and cannot be detected unless laboratory examinations are done. At some point in their life they will have HPV since more than half of the male population is sexually active.

There are thirty or more kinds of HPV that contributing to genital cancers that can result in anal or penile cancer in men. By having a good immune system, the cancer types mentioned are very rare. But there are cases reported that some men were diagnosed with cancer of the penis or anal. Male HPV that contributes in developing anal cancer is higher in bisexual and gay men who are sexually active than men who are only having sexual intercourse with women. HIV-infected men are at a higher risk of having anal cancer as well. Other kinds of HPV cause genital warts but rarely cause cancer in men. There are about one percent of men who are sexually active who can acquire genital warts.

Unfortunately, treatments of HPV virus in males are not offered by most doctors, however several online natural health enthusiasts offer hope.
Judith Sherven - About the Author:
Andrea Segovia inspires people seeking natural health solutions by providing tips on treatment methods that work naturally with the body. She contributes to the work stream in topics ranging from health, travel, and natural living. She is passionately involved with sharing her discoveries on HPV in Man.